Unlit Vistas Limited is an independent film production company formed in 2008 by Bill and Sherryn Hunt, created not only as an alternative to the kinds of films being made, but also as an alternative to HOW films are made.
Bill comes from a career as a special effects makeup artist, which brought him to New Zealand to work on THE LORD OF THE RINGS, while Sherryn came from a corporate background before landing a job at Weta Productions. They met in 2006 and connected instantly with their shared love of cinema.
Feeling they had some fresh ideas to offer, by 2007, development was underway on their first project, a unique take on the zombie genre, RETURNER. Drawing on their decade in the New Zealand film industry, they quickly enlisted the help of some of the country’s top film talent to shoot a promotional teaser trailer, which was released in 2010. As the scale of RETURNER revealed itself to be too big for a first feature, Unlit Vistas began developing a few smaller projects.
In 2011, Unlit Vistas enlisted the help of their friends, ApeOnAWhale Productions to attempt a feature film with their very modest, but workable resources. They attacked it as a demonstration of what could be achieved with a minimum of time and budget. Nine months later, their first feature film, FUNDAMENTAL, was completed.
Unlit Vistas continues development on a number of other projects, including RETURNER, retro-splatter MEZZO AL BOSCO, zombie anthology THE DAY THAT EVERYTHING CHANGED and LAMB OF GOD: FUNDAMENTAL II. Through Bill’s involvement as producer of the progressive horror metal project Kill For Mother, Unlit Vistas looks set to now bring its unique production and style to music-based short films.